Each morning one of my first prayers is Lord help me to fear you and not man. This is and will continue to be a life long surrender to acknowledge and obey the Lord's voice over all others.
Reading through Luke 7:21-27 Jesus compares 2 types of people who call on His name. Those who come to Him, hear what He says and do what He says. Jesus describes this man or woman as one who digs deep building a strong foundation, building His house on the Rock-Jesus. The other person is decribed as hearing but doing nothing having no foundation. Jesus describes the eventual outcome for both of these people. When the winds, floods and storms of life came the one built on the Rock-Jesus stood firm and secure unshaken. Contrary the one who heard and knew what would happen but choose not to prepare ended up ruined.
Today happens to be a very windy day which leads me to pray every time the gust is overwheliming.
Have you experienced days of reckoning? Seasons and times in your life when the bottom dropped out? I have. Too many of them have come as a result by putting my faith in other people or trusting in "idols" that don't deliver. So much disappointment and hurt have resulted by looking for something other than God to meet my need.
Spending time with the Lord each day builds our foundation secure and unshakeable as we pour all our concerns at His feet and allow Him to strenghten us in His word. His word is alive to speak and fill us supernaturally. The more time we spend with Him the firmer and more solid our foundation. If we spend little or no time with Him we have nothing to stand on but our self. We will be moved and shaken by our feelings and circumstances that are constantly changing. We will have no roots and will topple easily. How do we stand recieving the unexpected phone call of heart breaking news concerning us or a loved one, or the friend that betrays us, or our husband that doesn't meet our expectation? How will these things move us? Do we have Christ at the center so we can stand in the face of unexpected circumstances?
God wants to give us victory over the enemies that want to rob our soul. Ps 62:1 David says, "Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. HE ONLY is my ROCK and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved."
If the Lord is speaking to your heart that your foundation is not as secure as you know it could be, that other things are in the way of His peace and quality time with Him, pray this with me "If you return , O Israel, (say your name) Return to Me, and if you put away your abominations (idols) out of My sight, Then you shall not be moved."
Jesus is always willing and ready for us to come to Him. We can trust Him with ALL of our life.
Denise, This is amazing. Thanks for sharing so honestly and genuinely. I am excited to see what God does through you and your writing.