Friday, March 18, 2011

Love Is The Final Fight

Last summer I went to the Greater Philadelphia Writer's Conference at Philadelphia Bible College. There was a wonderful speaker there named John Perkin's. He delivered a message called Love is the final fight. At 80 years old, he shared his personal testimony that has impacted my life greatly. He was beaten by a group of white men years back. God called him to forgive and love those men who nearly killed him.

The Lord calls us to love those who persecute us, mistreat us, and spitefully use us. When we are reviled against we are called not to revile in return. But to love our enemies.

We have to recognize who the real enemy is and it is not other people. Ephes. 6:12 says "We do not wrestle with flesh and blood (people) but against principalities, against powers, and the rulers of darkness of this age..." We wrestle with the demonic beings working through them. In Warren Weirsbe's book What To Wear To The War, he says "We are wrestling against an organized demonic conspiracy-principalities, powers, rulers of the darknes of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. He wants to rob us of the inheritance we have in Christ. In order to successfully defend ourselves from his vicious attacks, we must learn to stand in the power of Christ" and His love.

We cannot stand in our natural strength but in the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. When we ourself are free from sin - vengeance, jealousy, judgement, pride, self-righteousness, selfishness, selfish ambition, rebellion and control, then God frees us fully to allow His love and joy to flow through our life to others. Without knowing the Lord Jesus and His word it would be impossible to genuinely love with no conditions, no expectations and with a pure heart. Love reaches out to build a bridge where there isn't one. Bridges are pictures of God's grace, love and mercy.

When God's love becomes stronger than our pain we can be a vessel He can use to love and offer grace and forgiveness. It takes time to work through our hurt and pain and brokeness. But if we TURN to Him and surrender it, in our weakness, He becomes strong. We would never know the power of His love and His amazing grace if we have never been hurt or broken. There are treasures in darkness that cannot be known any other time or place then when the Lord removes everyone else aside and it is just Him and us. The more we seek Christ and His word the more we see our own need for Him and the forgiveness we need. When we truly grasp the depths of our own sinfulness we cannot point our finger at others as seeing their sin greater then our own. When we realize the depths of the forgiveness and cleansing of sin we need for ourselves, how can we ever cast stones at others. Having received this atonement through the cross for ourself, Jesus love and fogiveness free us to love others. He who is forgiven much loves much.

Love is a choice not a feeling. Each act of obedience where we chose to love in spite of our feelings sets us free. Forgiveness only comes through FAITH in Christ. It is willingly releasing someone else from what they have done and the hurt they have caused. As we receive His forgiveness and grace we can extend that to others. One of the secrets of life is learning how to LET GO of the past and LET GOD live through us in the present.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior, invite Him in your heart. Tell him you know you are a sinner and ask His forgiveness. Receive His free gift of forgiveness and His grace that will set you free. Thank you Jesus Your love is liberating and freeing.

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