Monday, February 28, 2011

Adullum-Sealed Off Place

In a small group I am studying the life of David from 1 Samuel. This is the 3rd time in the last 1 1/2 years I've studied 1 Samuel. I must be dense in some areas the Lord is speaking to me. God's word is alive and I have learned different insights with each lesson.

In 1Sam chapter 21 we see David flee from Saul who was trying to kill him because he was jealous of David. David was taken captive by the Phillistines and brought before King Achish. His life was in jeopardy and he was so afraid that he pretends to be insane. The king releases him not wanting a madman in his sight. David was on the run alone. Desperate. Completely striped of all resources and everything of his own strength. God had removed his closest friend Jonathan, his family and he was defenseless.

He escaped to the cave of Adullum which means "sealed off place"-resting place. This was the place God was leading him to all along.

It was in this place that David had no where to look but up. He surely was on his knees as he cried out to the only One who heard and answered. This was the place deep in his soul where self was dethroned and the mighty Lord was put on. David poured out his heart as he wrote ps 142, ps 56, and ps 34.

In ps 142, David cried to the Lord and poured out his complaint before Him. He acknowledged that everyone deserted him and his own refuge had failed him, that his enemies were stronger then he was, that he was being persecuted, and that he felt like he was in prison and brought very low. This was probably the darkest time in his life thus far. A time of depletion and full exposure. The Lord had been chiseling and building his character.

In Ps 56, David questions God twice saying, "What can flesh do to me?" He pleads, " What can man do to me?" In v 1, He prays for relief from his tormentors that were causing his oppression. In v 3, He tells God how afraid he is. In v 5, he expresses how frustrated he is that his enemies are twisting his words leaving him feeling misunderstood. He says, "Will my enemies escape their iniquity? As he calls on the Lord to, "Put all his tears in a bottle?

Do you know this feeling? Have you ever been in this place?

I've been to the cave of Adullum. It was a place of bitterness and brokeness when I entered. But sweet and healing and freeing as I let the Lord carve out the poisen in my heart. I hated being there. I fought it with everything in me. I kicked and screamed and ran with every bit of might I had. I was scared more then any other time in my life. I was alone, desperate and wept for days. The Lord was using instruments (circumstances, people, etc.) as tools to open my heart and force me to admit my bitterness and sin. It hurt so much I could hardly stand it. I wanted to just die. It was the place God was leading me to all along. It was there that I poured out a 16 page letter to HIM about my pain and injustice, my hurt and misunderstanding. The tools (situations) He uses are different for everyone. He will use whatever is necessary to accomplish His purpose to deplete us of self and all human effort for the goal of driving us to our knees in utter helplessness so that HE can show us WHO HE IS. He listened to me. He met me. He answered me.

Adullum- A place of rest and dependency where the Presense of the Lord dwells with the broken-hearted that no one else can enter but us and the Lord. We learn to worship and fear Him only. Fearing anything other than God can evoke feelings of anxiety, impending danger, panic or dread. Fear can stem from unchecked sin or sin that has never been repented of which was why Saul feared David. We can contrast David's fear which arose while he was being hunted down-the innocent victim. The thought of confronting our fears wherever they come from can be overwhelming at times but fearing and pleasing the Lord and bringing it ALL to Him bring peace and rest to our heart and mind.

Ps 56:9 gives us a glimpse of David's emotions in that cave, he says, "I know God is for me." Four times he says, "In God I will praise and I will trust." We too can know and expect that God WILL meet us and be there for us. In V 3 he says, "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You."

In ps 34, David praises the Lord for delivering him from all of his fears. V 5 says, "They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces were not ashamed." When we come to God as David did we find ourself transformed and He removes our shame. V 17-18 share how he was honest before God about his fears, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of ALL their trouble. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves those with a contrite spirit." We won't get anywhere with the Lord until we are completely truthful about the condition of our heart and honest about what we are going through.

V 11-14 tell us how David shared with others how to fear the Lord. He describes the definition of the man (or woman) who desires life; they keep their tongue from evil and their lips from speaking deceit. They chose good and not evil. They seek peace and pursue it.

Your pit might be so deep that you can't imagine that the LORD is bigger and deeper. HE is. Corrie Ten Boom said there is no pit to deep that He is not deeper still. It is true. The relief doesn't always come over night. It takes time for Him to work His patience in us and develop character qualities that may not surface for years. The key is faith and dependence in what we cannot see at the time but hope for in quiet trust. He promises to be with us through it all to bring us safely to the other side where we live in His love, grace and mercy.

There are prescribed seasons of brokeness in our life. We can't run from them. There are treasures in darkness that cannot be learned any other way. Let God do His work in you that you may overcome and give testimony of His deliverance in your life for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. Just great! I have passed through the moments like these and I am gratefull for what He has already done for me. I know that He is stil working in my life and I trust Him completely. He is wonderful God!
